Redmi Buds 6 Lite have been unveiled in select global markets. They come with an in-ear design with rounded stems and silicone ear tips. Claimed to offer a total playback time of up to 38 hours, the earphones carry 45mAh batteries, while the charging case has a 480mAh cell. They support up to 40dB active noise cancellation (ANC) and AAC audio codec. These true wireless stereo (TWS) earphones join the Redmi Buds 6 Active, which were introduced in some markets in August.
Redmi Buds 6 Lite Price
Redmi Buds 6 Lite price is set at GBP 14.99 (roughly Rs. 1,700). In the UK, the TWS earphones are available in Black and White colourways. They are reportedly available in other select European markets, where they are also offered in a third Blue shade.
Redmi Buds 6 Lite Specifications, Features
The Redmi Buds 6 Lite are equipped with 12.4mm titanium dynamic drivers and a dual mic system backed by noise reduction technology with AI support. The earphones sport a traditional in-ear design with rounded stems and silicone ear tips. The front of the magnetic charging case of the earphones has a slit LED pulse indicator.Redmi's new TWS earphones are said to support up to 40dB ANC. They are compatible with the Xiaomi Earbuds application and come with four pre-installed EQ modes, namely 'standard,' 'enhance treble,' 'enhance bass,' and 'enhance voice.' Users can employ the app to personalise an equaliser setting or manage ANC levels. The Redmi Buds 6 Lite offer Bluetooth 5.3 connectivity alongside support for AAC audio codec.The Redmi Buds 6 Lite are claimed to offer a total battery life of up to 38 hours on a single charge with the case, while the earphones alone are said to offer seven hours. Each individual earbud carries a 45mAh battery, while the charging case has a 480mAh battery and a USB Type-C charging port. Each earbud weighs 4.2g and the case, together with the earphones weighs 47g.