Realme Buds N1 will soon launch in India, the company confirmed officially. It is set to launch in the country alongside the Realme Narzo 70 Turbo 5G. The design of the upcoming true wireless stereo (TWS) earphones has been revealed alongside several of their key features. The TWS earphones will support hybrid noise cancellation and spatial audio effects. Availability details of the Realme Buds N1 have also been confirmed.
Realme Buds N1 India Launch, Desi
The Realme Buds N1 will launch in India on September 9 at 12pm IST. The TWS earphones have been teased on both the official Realme India website and Amazon microsite. This suggests that the earphones will be available for purchase in the country via Realme and the e-commerce teasers for the Realme Buds N1 show the earphones and their rectangular charging case in a light green colourway. They appear to have an in-ear design with silicone tips and rounded stems. The charging connectors are seen on the bottom of the stem. Towards the bottom of the charging case, we see an LED charging indicator light.Realme Buds N1 Specifications
The Realme Buds N1 are confirmed to be equipped with 12.4mm dynamic bass drivers. They are claimed to offer users a 360-degree spatial audio experience. The TWS earphones are said to offer up to 46dB hybrid noise cancellation. Together with the case, they are claimed to offer a total battery life of up to 40 hours. The earphones will also come with an IP55 rating for dust and splash resistance.