Xiaomi has confirmed that it will launch the Redmi Buds 5A in India next week. The new true wireless stereo (TWS) earphones will be unveiled alongside the Redmi Pad SE during the Xiaomi Smarter Living 2024 event. A microsite for the earphones is currently live on the Mi India website. The listing shows black and white colourways for the Redmi Buds 5A, which sports an in-ear design with stem. The earphones will come with support for the active noise cancellation (ANC) feature and Google Fast Pair.
Through a microsite on its Smarter Living 2024 event page, Xiaomi has confirmed the arrival of the new Redmi Buds 5A in India. The TWS earphones will be unveiled on April 23 alongside the Redmi Pad SE. Xiaomi is confirmed to announce a robot vacuum cleaner and a hairdryer at the event, but the brand hasn't revealed details for them just yet.
The images on the microsite show black and white colour options for the Redmi Buds 5A. It seems to have an in-ear design, identical to the Redmi Buds 5. The earphones feature 12mm dynamic drivers and are teased to come with ANC to eliminate unwanted external noise. It has Bluetooth 5.4 connectivity and support for Google Fast Pair, which lets users quickly pair audio devices with smartphones.The Redmi Buds 5 earphones have Bluetooth 5.3 connectivity and have an IP54 rating for dust and water resistance. It has 12.4mm dynamic drivers with a frequency response rate of 20Hz to 20kHz and offer ANC up to 46dB.