Realme Buds T01 true wireless stereo (TWS) earbuds were launched in India on Thursday (August 29). The new audio offering from the Chinese tech brand was released alongside the Realme 13 5G series. The Realme Buds T01 come with an in-ear design and feature 13mm dynamic drivers. The earbuds are IPX4-rated for sweat and water resistance and have an AI-based ENC (Environmental Noise Cancellation) feature for reducing unwanted background noise. Realme claims that the earbuds can offer up to 28 hours of playback time along with the charging case.
Realme Buds T01 price in India
The Realme Buds T01 are priced at Rs. 1,299 in India. They are available in Black and White options. They are currently up for sale via the company website, Amazon India, and Flipkart.
Realme Buds T01 specifications, features
The Realme Buds T01 include 13mm dynamic drivers and PET diaphragms. They have touch controls and this allows users to answer or reject calls, control volume, and adjust playlists with double tap, triple tap or long press on the earbuds. They offer AI-based Environmental Noise Cancellation (ENC) to identify human noises and eliminate unnecessary background noises. Realme claims that new earbuds deliver a latency rate as low as 85 milliseconds.Realme says the Buds T01 earbuds alone can provide up to seven hours of playback on a single charge. The earbuds come with an oval-shaped charging case and their combination is said to deliver up to 28 hours of playtime. Each earbud has a 40mAh battery, while the charging case carries a 400mAh battery. The earbuds are said to deliver up to two hours of hours of playback time with just a 10-minute charge. Realme Buds T01 weighs around 4 grams.Realme Buds T01 true wireless stereo (TWS) earbuds were launched in India on Thursday (August 29). The new audio offering from the Chinese tech brand was released alongside the Realme 13 5G series. The Realme Buds T01 come with an in-ear design and feature 13mm dynamic drivers. The earbuds are IPX4-rated for sweat and water resistance and have an AI-based ENC (Environmental Noise Cancellation) feature for reducing unwanted background noise. Realme claims that the earbuds can offer up to 28 hours of playback time along with the charging case.
Realme Buds T01 price in India
The Realme Buds T01 are priced at Rs. 1,299 in India. They are available in Black and White options. They are currently up for sale via the company website, Amazon India, and Flipkart.
Realme Buds T01 specifications, features
The Realme Buds T01 include 13mm dynamic drivers and PET diaphragms. They have touch controls and this allows users to answer or reject calls, control volume, and adjust playlists with double tap, triple tap or long press on the earbuds. They offer AI-based Environmental Noise Cancellation (ENC) to identify human noises and eliminate unnecessary background noises. Realme claims that new earbuds deliver a latency rate as low as 85 milliseconds.